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sagun ft shiloh music ill keep you safe

sagun ft shiloh music ill keep you safe

متن موسیقی:

I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I can be all you need
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I can be all you need
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine
Hold on to me pretty baby and you'll see
