You were the last one, after you I won`t look for love anym
Because I don`t care about you, you call me bad.
You sold your friend madrtm, let it be rented out
Your words are nice, but you don`t act
Everything is canceled in your head
It`s not for you, it`s for everyone
When you don`t have it, everyone feels the same pain
` Fainting like alcohol `
The world is a memory, and it is gone.
Mom, the boy from Gogolit lost his face
Growing up was not a good dream
I know how to be bad like you
Mom, the boy from Gogolit lost his face
With my words, your mother is being spoiled
` Karma was not our job `
I was always alone in a crowd
I`m just beating the shit out of them as I went around them
You are lonely, I don`t see you, I am far away
We all die one day, don`t take it seriously
You were always extra, son
I cried while you were sleeping
I got stuck in a glass bubble
You are my world, you are my feather